Thursday 9 May 2024

Reading Order


Welcome to Mercian Comics. Here you'll find many Wonder Woman fanfiction stories. When I tried writing a Wonder Woman story many years ago, it was the first time I had attempted any story since childhood. Over the years, my writing style has improved to an extent in which I feel compelled to direct a new reader to my better works. I believe these to be my later writing, 10 to 12. In my earlier stories, I intentionally didn't write inside Diana's mind because I wanted her to be an enigma. This was a mistake, especially since psychology is a big part of my writing. There are occasional references to previous stories and recurring characters, but I don't think that matters too much in these later works. The earlier ones tend to be more connected.

1. Wonder Woman in London 

Overview: Diana Prince travels to London to stop a gang supplying bad heroin, which is leaving an epidemic of death in the States.

Recurring characters: Radomir Semanic, Fadhila Zuma, Marsha Cross


  • This was the first story, my least favourite, and the only one I've significantly re-edited.
  • When I first started writing Wonder Woman stories I thought I needed to please the peril fans. In this story, Diana goes from one peril situation to another. As time went on, I realised all I needed to do was write the story.
  • Although it introduces recurring characters, this first story is quite skippable.

2. Wonder Woman in Paris

Overview: Diana is in Paris to investigate the disappearance of a young I.A.D.C agent who had been working, undercover, at a circus.

Recurring characters: Christopher Dalton, Adamski, Marsha Cross (unnamed)


  • My shortest Wonder Woman story to date. It was meant to have six parts. The missing chapter was going to be an emotional one about a hostage exchange. I scrapped it, as it didn’t feature Wonder Woman’s involvement. Its absence may have weakened the conclusion, a little.
  • Goof: vultures don’t have talons, apparently, but these Nazi ones do!

3. Wonder Woman in Rome

Overview: Proceedings take on a strange twist when Diana Prince is assigned to protect an Italian princess, who appears to be already protected by another mythical heroine, known as the Lost Siren.

Recurring characters: Christopher Dalton, Serena Rocca / The Lost Siren, Mendo, Sergio Nico, Marsha Cross, Adamski, Dan Corbett, Marat Osinov (mentioned).


  • This is still possibly my favourite story. I took a risk of writing evil as a bigger idea, which I think helps distinguish these Wonder Woman stories. By my standards, I thought there were some imaginative scenes and twists. I also introduced a couple of my fonder characters.

4. Wonder Woman in Tokyo

Overview: when a top-secret US rocket crashes in a remote part of Japan, a recently promoted I.A.D.C agent is sent to retrieve the secret technology before anybody else does.

Recurring characters: Marsha Cross, Roger Macintosh. Nathan O’Connell (unnamed)


  • The early part of the story may be confusing if you haven’t read Wonder Woman in Rome.
  • My favourite story to write. It flowed very nicely, once I got going.

5. Wonder Woman in Boston

Overview: back in the States, Diana investigates the ghostly sightings of a dead pilot, but are cryonics involved?

Recurring characters: Roger Macintosh, Nathan O’Connell, Mendo, Dan Corbett


  • Some potentially important events happen in this story, but it is skippable if this one doesn’t grab you.

6. Wonder Woman in Antarctica

Overview: during the Christmas holidays, Diana Prince journeys to the Antarctic Peninsula, where it’s believed a rogue I.A.D.C agent has been hiding out: has she stepped into the wolves’ den?

Recurring characters: Texas Denton, Marsha Cross, Del Hives


  • I’ve always liked Christmas and winter weather. I enjoyed writing the rich seasonable imagery.

7. The Return of the Lost Siren

Overview: lying low, teaching tennis at a plush hotel in the South of France, Serena Rocca is pursued by a hitman who is working for the Fourth Reich.

Recurring characters: Serena Rocca / The Lost Siren, Adamski, Radomir Semanic, Fadhila Zuma, Jacob Kruger, Sergio Nico, Marat Osinov, Abram Osinov (mentioned)


  • An experiment into whether I could write an interesting non-Wonder Woman story. The Lost Siren was an obvious choice. I decided the central character needs to be at least drawn to really come alive.
  • The story gives an extra insight into the Lost Siren and her associates, but it isn’t a necessary read.

8. Wonder Woman in Cape Town

Overview: Diana hatches a plan to infiltrate the suspected headquarters of the Fourth Reich at a businessman’s villa in South Africa.

Recurring characters: Serena Rocca / The Lost Siren, Texas Denton, Marat Osinov, Radomir Semanic, Jacob Kruger, Abram Osinov, Adamski.


  • My longest Wonder Woman story to date.
  • At one point, I considered killing off Wonder Woman and having her regenerate – in the famous Doctor Who style – into Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, but waking up in a different Earth dimension. Fortunately, I came to my senses…

9. Wonder Woman in Moscow

Overview: Diana works undercover as a waitress, in a Moscow nightclub, to uncover a plot to obtain an experimental US military binder.

Recurring characters: Marat Osinov, Radomir Semanic, Adamski, Abram Osinov


  • Life and writer's block delayed this story, I think, for the longest-ever period.
  • The last chapter originally had an entirely different ending that I preferred. It took place underwater in the River Moskva and would have involved Wonder Woman in her diving suit for the first time in my stories. I incorrectly thought the Moskva was really deep, but I believe it's only about three metres. I could have just ignored this fact, but I like to keep some semblance of reality in the setting. It was painful deleting close to 1000 words!

10. Wonder Woman in Ankara

Overview: Steve Trevor sends Diana to investigate the assassination of a trade envoy. Is there more to it than a political terrorist attack? 

Recurring characters: Serena Rocca (mentioned)


  • I wrote this story during a COVID-19 lockdown, hoping it might provide a little escapism for the reader.
  • I scrapped a couple of ideas: 1) Erol torturing Fadi Fakih's family; 2) Wonder Woman fighting the E-Six jet-packed agents over Ankara Castle.

11. Wonder Woman in Rio de Janeiro

Overview: When a couple of scientists are kidnapped in the Amazon rainforest, Diana arrives in Rio de Janeiro to investigate.

Recurring characters: Texas Denton


  • The story was originally going to include a giant anaconda or a crocodilian, both of which had some basis in the real-life Amazon. In the end, I decided to go with a suitably mythical monster.
  • This is my favourite story to date. If you read only one story, I recommend it be this one.

12. Wonder Woman in Sydney

Overview: A tip-off from an anonymous source leads Diana to investigate a scientist working alongside an old friend on asteroid detection.

Recurring characters: Roger Macintosh, Kay-I, Cardinal Mendo.


  • The aliens in this story were inspired by an enemy I dreamt up as a kid playing with a Wonder Woman doll!
  • I felt adversely affected by the environment and scenes in the final chapter.
  • Completing Wonder Woman in Sydney means I've written a Wonder Woman story in every continent of the world (according to the seven main divisions of land).

If you spot any factual mistakes, please let me know. I don’t like reading my writing back (I’m quite self-critical), and sometimes, I forget what I’ve written!

Sunday 29 September 2013

I need a new home!

I wanted to put up the first chapter of Wonder Woman in Tokyo, tonight, but apparently I've exceeded the number of pages I can have on Blogger. I wasn't terribly happy with the host, anyway, but where shall I go?

Sunday 1 September 2013

Wonder Woman in London re-edited

Most extensively, the first chapter of Wonder Woman in London has been re-edited. I felt the needless frustrations of Steve Trevor was out of sync with my later writing style. It flows better - although I'd understand if you preferred the humour of the original.

Friday 23 August 2013

Where next for Wonder Woman?

I have a few ideas roaming my mind, at the moment, but where would you prefer the next story to be. I think we've done with European stories, at least, for the time being.

I'm hoping to start writing sooner than I originally thought...